Hi, This is Afshin

Afshin's Website is a place in cyberspace to share ideas and have meaningful conversation about them with like-minded and unlike-minded people. Especially unlike-minded because you are seeing things from a different angle. Unlike today's internet and social media that are optimized to be in agreement with your thoughts and cause short bursts of dopamine as much as possible; not because it is good for you, but because it is good for their bottom line; I'm trying to learn from you, and increase my understanding of the world we live in little by little, day by day.

If you decide to comment, send me an email or tweet, there is only one requirement, please be constructive and helpful. If you genuinely disagree, please provide constructive feedback, show how to improve, we all are in this journey together.

100 years from now, none of us will be alive, most likely strangers will be living in our homes and except some few items, most of our material possessions will be completely useless. What will remain is our interactions with each other, memories we leave behind, and our contributions to move this society forward.